Rubicon Trip 7-2015
If you're gonna go to the Con.."You might as well Do it Right!"
Since living in the Reno area for over 7 years and never having been to the Rubicon. When asked by the King ( Randy Slawson ) if I wanted to go on a shakedown run of his brand new Bomber car. It didn't take me long to make that decision! Of coarse I was in...We staged on the Tahoe side and intended to making a fast paced charge through the con to Loon lake..Then take our time cruising on back and enjoy the sites on our way back. We got a late start leaving around 10:30-11:00am from our staging point. We made our way through the mud sections we encountered on the tahoe side to Buck island. Three of us have never been to the Rubican before so we decided to stop and eat our lunch and take in the lake. After our tour around the island and a couple of beers. We decided we better get moving if we were to make to Loon lake and back before dark. As most of you know trips like these rarely go as planned and without issues! After loading up and mobbing our way through old sluce..we noticed our ice chest was no longer with us! Like a true King that Randy is he quickly decided we could not leave our fellow comrads (the beer) behind!! He decided him and I would go back and save the beer and meet the others on the other side. We blasted our way back to Buck island over the large granite slabs at ungodly speeds that to my amazement that bomber car took it like the Champ that it is! We encountered some slower lap traffic (stock jeeps) making their way though the con. Not to phase Randy much after sinching my seatbelts down he decended some granite shelves that impressed the stock jeepers and increased my pucker factor as we made several clean passes on the slower traffic! We found and recovered our fallen we were getting word on the radio that the others were making their way on to Loon lake still. Randy stepped up the pace as we made our way back to the group which did choose to wait a few minutes at the Y at 1.5 mile trail marker and let us catch up. That we did... on the ride of my life in the kings chariot..we were soon all taking a quick break at the Y and back on the road for Loon lake. After arriving at Loon lake and absorbing it all in , Randy's helper and I decided to make the switch so I could ride the way back in the brand new bomber car . Shortly after we started back the car begain loading up and wanting to shut down? Jason and I were starting to believe it might be best if we were to stay at Loon lake staging area and let Randy and Robert mob their way back and bring the trailer back around and pick us up on the other side. Knowing how long of a night it would be if they had to come in the other direction to come back for us! In true Bomber fashion Randy and Robert went right to work and decided to unplug the O2 sensors and see if we could keep moving? Again to my amazement that seemed to do the trick! It was getting late and Jason was satisfied the bomber was up to the challenge he decided to push it harder and see what the new car could do! Again sinching my belts down we blasted our way back through the con at a pace I would have never thought possible! That car handled everything Jason threw at it as Jason and I shared stories of how his other car could never have done what we were doing! We encounter slower traffic in a couple of spots and after a little encouragement (nerf) from Randy Jason quickly made our way around the slower vehicles! After another incredible ride of my life we were back to our staging area well before dark! Somehow through all that I managed to get a few photos along the way...not quite what I really was hoping to get but I was just as happy with the thought of really getting to see what these cars were capable of! I do have a whole better perspective of what these drivers go through in their quest for glory in one of these vehicles! God bless you guys.... you guys are true American Badass's!! Thanks to Bomber Fabrication and of coarse the King ( Randy Slawson ) for this opportunity of a life time! I had a hell of a time and I will never forget it..You rock brother

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